Essay on Loss of Biodiversity in English

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200 Words – Essay on Loss of Biodiversity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Lack of biological resources on Earth is known as biodiversity degradation. Earth’s biological wealth is the result of nearly 400 million years of biodiversity development. The continued loss of this biological wealth poses a serious threat to human survival.

Erosion of biodiversity is a concern in developing countries of the world. Countries in Asia, Central America, South America, and Africa are rich in biodiversity where plant and animal species are found. Ironically, illiteracy, poverty, lack of scientific development, population explosion etc. are the reasons which are responsible for the biodiversity degradation in these countries.

According to the Living Planet Report, 2018, by 1970 human activities have destroyed 60% of the Earth’s mammals, birds, fish and reptiles. About half of the shallow water corals have been destroyed in the last 30 years. Despite many laws at present, the illegal trade or hunting and sale of millions of exotic and wild birds and wildlife occurs.

Along with climate change, biodiversity should be considered an equally important issue. The decline in biodiversity is not only an environmental issue, but it is also an economic, protective and ethical issue. The biggest challenge and opportunity relates to change in attitude towards development. Therefore, to save nature, all countries need to come to a stage for a global agreement.

300 Words – Essay on Loss of Biodiversity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Extinction is an inexhaustible part of nature, for example dinosaurs are extinct. But they ended in a process of natural evolution in which more successful species replaced less successful species. Today’s extinction does not always fall into this category.

There have been five periods of mass extinction on Earth; These happened 4,400 lakh, 3,700 lakh, 2,500 lakh, 2,100 lakh and 650 lakh years ago. These were natural processes. Today, human activities contribute to extinction. This scarcity is a threat to the future in terms of biodiversity as new species in the process of development are much slower than the current rate of extinction. It is an uneven race for growth and extinction.

It is estimated that at the present time the number of organisms is one percent of the total number of living organisms on Earth today. In other words, 99 percent of life on Earth has ended by ending its migration journey. Their farewells are attributed to climate changes such as meteorite collisions or ice ages. Today we are in the sixth phase of extinction where extinction is happening due to human activities.

Tropical rain forests are rich in biodiversity, known as the ‘lungs’ of the earth, as they are the major emitters of oxygen and absorbers of carbon dioxide. They cover more than 7 percent of the Earth’s total geographical land. Only 50 percent of the recognized species of the world are found in these forests. Since most of the rain forests are found in developing countries of the world, population explosion is the main reason for the destruction of these forests. If timely conservation is not adopted, 90 percent of these habitats will be destroyed very soon, resulting in the loss of 15,000 to 50,000 species per year.

400 Words – Essay on Loss of Biodiversity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Mahatma Gandhi once said that the earth has everything for the needs of the people but not for their greed. Human activities have caused great harm to nature. Many species of flora and fauna have disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. Therefore it needs to be protected from further harm. Biodiversity conservation refers to the management of biological resources so that quality remains with their widespread use.

Biodiversity conservation

The World Conservation Strategy has given the following suggestions for biodiversity conservation:

(1) There should be an effort to conserve endangered species.

(2) The need for proper planning and management to prevent extinction.

(3) Food crops, fodder plants, cattle, animals and their wild relatives should be protected.

(4) The habitat of wild species of each country should be identified and their protection ensured.

(5) International trade in wild plants and animals should be regulated.

There is a need to implement a time bound program to save plant and animal species and their habitat so that biodiversity conservation can be promoted. Therefore, the action plan of conservation must necessarily be in the following direction:

(i) To list biological resources found in various areas of the country including the island.

(ii) Preservation of biodiversity through protected areas such as National Parks, Biosphere Reserves, Sanctuaries, Gene Funds etc.

(iii) Restoration of degraded habitat in natural state.

(iv) To protect the species from human pressure by developing elsewhere.

(v) Rehabilitation of displaced tribal people from becoming protected areas.

(vi) Characterization of threatened species with modern technologies of biotechnology and tissue culture.

(vii) Conservation of species of domestic plants and animals for conservation of indigenous genetic diversity.

(viii) Revival of threatened species.

(ix) Restrictions on entry of plants of foreign origin without detailed investigation.

(x) To discourage planting of a single species over a wide area.

(xi) Prohibition of over-exploitation of species by appropriate legislation.

(xii) Control of exploitation under species trade contract.

(xiii) Continuous use of genetic resources and conservation by appropriate method.

(xiv) Promoting traditional knowledge and skills that help in conservation.

The conclusion

Biodiversity not only meets the needs of our food, clothes, fuel, wood, medicines etc. but it also helps in maintaining ecological balance and enhancing food production. Ultimately it can be said that biodiversity is the natural property of nature, so destroying biodiversity is destroying nature. Therefore, to save nature from destruction, biodiversity conservation is the greatest need of the hour.

500 Words – Essay on Loss of Biodiversity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Species loss is a serious cause for concern for human survival. It has been observed that 79 species of mammals, 44 species of birds, 15 species of reptiles and 3 species of amphibians are endangered.

Due to potential danger or harm

There may be the following three causes of existential danger or damage:

  • Direct methods: deforestation, poaching, poaching, commercial exploitation.
  • Indirect method: loss of natural habitats or conversion of foreign species into them, pollution etc.
  • Natural Causes: Climate Change.

Of these, habitat destruction and over-exploitation are the main causes but there are many other factors which leave their impact on biodiversity.

Habitat destruction: Deforestation and forest fires, wetland fillings and drainage, use of natural areas for agriculture or industry, human settlements, mining, construction and other developmental projects are the cause of habitat destruction. In this way the natural habitats of the organisms have been changed or destroyed. Due to these changes, species either die or die. Apart from the direct damage of species during developmental activities, the new environment is unsuitable for species survival. Over-exploitation reduces the population size of the species and forces them to go extinct.

Penetration of exotic species: Spread of seeds is done by nature or some animals. When these species arrive at new sites, they breed very rapidly due to the lack of enemies there and often eradicate native species that are already present here. some examples are:

  • Parthenium hysterophorus (congress grass — a tropical American weed) has spread to empty areas of India’s cities, towns and villages, wiping out local plants and the animals that depend on them.
  • Neil Perch, an exotic predatory fish whose entry into Lake Victoria (Southern Africa) affected the entire ecosystem of the lake.
  • The hyacinth blocks lakes and river banks and poses a threat to the survival of many aquatic species.
  • Lentana camara (an American weed) has captured many forest lands in various parts of India and resulted in the destruction of native grass species.

Pollution: Forests are destroyed due to air pollution and acid rain. Fish and other aquatic plants and animals die due to water pollution. Poisonous and dangerous substances are discharged into the waterway, destroying aquatic life. Coastal birds, plants and other marine animals die from oil spills in the sea. Wildlife gets trapped in plastic waste. It can be easily seen that pollution is a major threat to biodiversity.

Population Growth and Poverty: More than six billion people live on Earth. All these people depend on natural resources to meet their basic needs of shelter, food, clothes, water and medicines. These available resources further damage biodiversity by rich people, excessively or out of greed.

The conclusion

There are many other reasons which are increasing the rate of loss in biodiversity but human activities are highly responsible for this loss. Humans will have to make some efforts to reduce pollution so that the earth is protected from the threat of extinction of the species and can survive well.

600 Words – Essay on Loss of Biodiversity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Biological diversity is a dynamic concept. It varies with time and place. If a species disappears from the earth completely and no other animal is found, it is called extinction of that living species. Studies show that species of flora and fauna are being destroyed due to human intervention. Around 60,000 species of plants and 2,000 species are on the verge of extinction worldwide. Although most of these species are of plants, some species are also of animals.

Causes of loss of biodiversity

The following are the reasons for the decline in biological diversity:

Natural Causes: There are many natural hazards from time to time and its loss can be seen on all life forms. These natural disasters can be of various types. Some of them are mentioned here:

  • volcanic eruptions,
  • Continental displacement,
  • Climate change,
  • Flood and drought,

Anthropogenic cause:

  • Destruction of natural habitats: Due to the destruction of natural habitats by humans, many wild animals are entering rural and urban settlements and harming human society, killing many people or being killed by people.
  • Exploitation of resources: The poaching of wild animals is changing the ecological balance. Number of rhinoceros, elephants, cat family members etc. are being hunted illegally. Hunting small and big fish in the sea and oceans is imbalancing the aquatic ecosystem.
  • Spread of exotic species: Transmission of animals and birds of foreign origin is also reducing biological diversity. Parthenium hysterophorus (carrot grass) is also causing great damage to crops.
  • Environmental pollution: Soil, water, air and noise pollution also have adverse effects on animals, birds, animals and plants. Increasing population and consumerism increases the amount of pollution in the environment, causing loss of biological diversity.
  • Global warming: In the last 100 years, and especially after World War II, a serious problem of global warming has arisen. Global warming is having a bad impact on ecosystems and biological diversity. Due to the rise in temperature in the oceans, the disease is becoming epidemic in coral bleaching.
  • Diseases and epidemics: The spread of disease in animals, birds and plants is also due to loss of biological diversity. In the Kashmir Valley, many poplar trees and sal and teak trees on the Chotanagpur plateau have destroyed many forests and the biological diversity is changing.
  • Tourism and poaching: Ecology is also suffering a huge loss from the tourism industry. When rich people go to the mountains etc. as tourists, they carelessly damage the ecosystem and poaching of wild animals also causes loss of biological diversity.
  • Trade in wild species: Many traders selling pets, dogs, cats, sparrows, fish etc. also reduce the biological diversity. They kill animals illegally for their personal gain. Skin, bones, blood and other parts are used to make various types of medicines and vaccines.

For other reasons

Apart from the above reasons, biodiversity loss also occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Population growth,
  • Ignorance of traditional knowledge,
  • system failure,
  • Due to negligence etc.

The conclusion

The axis of development of human civilization is mainly in danger due to habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, environmental pollution, invasion of flora of foreign origin, exploitation, wildlife hunting, deforestation, overgrazing, disease etc. Therefore, for ecological balance, conservation of biodiversity is the greatest need today to meet the various needs of human beings and to get rid of natural disasters like floods, droughts, landslides etc. This means that we are currently facing it. Biodiversity deficiency crisis; It should be conserved on a priority basis. To balance biological diversity, it becomes mandatory to solve the above problems.

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